A View To A Kill Gadgets
Credit Card Lock Pick
After a rather difficult start, Q Branch had certainly redeemed themselves with their Electronic Credit Card Lock pick.
Used to gain entrance to Stacey Sutton’s home, 007 just inserts the credit card sized implement into a window - et voila, the lock opens in about five seconds.
But hold in, the old Californian residence had sash windows and a simple swivel latching casement lock for basic security - as seen below.
The electronic lock pick appeared to make a 'blip' noise, a light changed colour an the lock turned.
Used to gain entrance to Stacey Sutton’s home, 007 just inserts the credit card sized implement into a window - et voila, the lock opens in about five seconds.
But hold in, the old Californian residence had sash windows and a simple swivel latching casement lock for basic security - as seen below.
The electronic lock pick appeared to make a 'blip' noise, a light changed colour an the lock turned.
This was obviously a little odd, and left viewers wondering why Bond hadn't simply used a thin metal stick or something else to swivel the stay, or even snap it off.
Although electronic versions are obviously not possible, certainly not a universal lock picking version anyway, you can buy a useful Credit Card Lock Pick from Amazon.
Photo: A View To A Kill 1985 Danjaq, LLC, & United Artists Corporation. All rights reserved