Interaction & Communication (written in 2014)
The Future of PhonesDid you may a video call today? How about a video conference call?
Although both technologies have been around for a good few years, it has been world news reporters that have taken best advantage of the technology. The phone pictures are still a bit rubbish, but soon, we won’t just be chatting to people with our I-Pads as a novelty. Soon, it will be the primary form of home communication. By the time of finished writing this article I expect someone to have improved technology sufficiently so that I can take that telephone call me on my television. I don’t mind the programme I was watching being interrupted, everything will pause to my command. Home phones will surely phase out soon. |
I am looking forward to wallpapering my house with Sony Wallpaper Screens. It would be lovely to talk with family and friends whose living room looks like it’s connect to mine.
With an ageing population, the lonely and elderly will consider this a life saver.
With an ageing population, the lonely and elderly will consider this a life saver.
Internet Internet – The Future of the Internet
The Internet only seems to have been in existence for about five minutes, but already it is difficult to imagine its future. Already, people use the internet instead of their memory, “What was that actor in? Oh, I’ll just look it up.”
Some of us remember Encyclopaedia Britannica salesmen. Not only do they no longer exist, the paper it was all printed on is dwindling in usage.
In his paper, “Collective Intelligence and its Implementation on the Web: algorithms to develop a collective mental map”, Belgian physicist Francis Heylighen, discusses the future of the internet – human beings, are, after all, adding to its intelligence every day.
Article Link
Many futurists and experts believe the World Wide Web will achieve human consciousness at some stage in the not too distant future.
To conclude, I would say I now know who that actor is - I have just checked in with my brain to find out. Before long I fully expect my brain to perform its physical duties, while I speak to my computer to access my memory.
Some of us remember Encyclopaedia Britannica salesmen. Not only do they no longer exist, the paper it was all printed on is dwindling in usage.
In his paper, “Collective Intelligence and its Implementation on the Web: algorithms to develop a collective mental map”, Belgian physicist Francis Heylighen, discusses the future of the internet – human beings, are, after all, adding to its intelligence every day.
Article Link
Many futurists and experts believe the World Wide Web will achieve human consciousness at some stage in the not too distant future.
To conclude, I would say I now know who that actor is - I have just checked in with my brain to find out. Before long I fully expect my brain to perform its physical duties, while I speak to my computer to access my memory.
From Mind Melding to Future Thinking
The science is called Future Thinking and researchers are developing a tech that could see your brain communicating on the phone.
University of California scientist, Robert Knight, is working on a process that could enable us to transmit thoughts via the Internet using a translator chip implanted in our brain that converts thoughts into synthesized words. Article Link The potential is theory, but the research is to help stroke patients or communication impaired people speak their thoughts directly. As brain stimulation neural implants are already in place to help patients with Parkinson's disease and clinical depression, this could be considered a next step. |
The implants decipher and replicate the neural code that one part of the brain sends to another. By observing how the neurons communicate with each other will help unravel the mysteries of consciousness.
Nanotechnology has been called upon to improve brain implants to tackle other illnesses and disabilities.
Article Link
The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to create a synthetic brain with human intelligence and capability. Extraordinary amounts of funding has been allocated to a variety of brain mapping projects. In tight fiscal time, even the American President has bought into the potential of such research.
Article Link
Nanotechnology has been called upon to improve brain implants to tackle other illnesses and disabilities.
Article Link
The Blue Brain Project is an attempt to create a synthetic brain with human intelligence and capability. Extraordinary amounts of funding has been allocated to a variety of brain mapping projects. In tight fiscal time, even the American President has bought into the potential of such research.
Article Link
Future Communication Technology
Microsoft's Bill Gates has already said that voice-enabled technologies will allow us to converse naturally with computers, TVs, and therefore, people. There will be no mouse, keyboard or remote controls.
We are already able to speak to our machinery to a certain quality. Google is able to translate all of those foreign websites we always wanted to look at, but couldn’t understand. Speech recognition and translators will develop towards what Captain Kirk becomes used to in the 23rd century. |
Silicon based computers will surely soon be a thing of the past. Quantum computers with superconductors made from carbon Nanotubes will be able to harness atoms and molecules and operate billions of times faster than their predecessors.
This will undoubtedly be the revolution futurists and technologists have been waiting for. The possibilities are limitless, and included will be a way to communicate that seems quite fanciful to us mere early 21st century mortals. The article below was written seven years ago, but we are clearly edging closer and closer to this reality. Article Link |
After flexible screens, the natural selection process of inventions could well see those Harry Potter style moving newspapers. In fact, the paper replacement style technology has appeared in so many films and TV shows that it is likely common thinking is abound on this particular advancement.
Haptics is a study in the ability to interact with a virtual environment through physical touch. You may not be able to hug a relative in a different country for a while yet, but this impressive explanatory video shows us the early steps in the process that will surely eventually lead us to that point. |
As Nano technology edges us closer and closer to network enabled telepathy, I am already wondering how on earth I am going to explain that to my ageing relatives. I am sure many of us recall our pained expressions at the inadequacies of our parents with a TV remote control, let alone a headband that will enable them to communicate with us via their thoughts.