Future Entertainment (written in 2014)
The Future of 3D TV3D Televisions are all the rage at the minute, but there is good money on it not lasting long in its current form.
3D technology has been around for a long time. Many of the movies that were screened at cinemas during the late 1950s and early 1960s were filmed in 3D. It wasn’t until the technology improved in the late 1970s, and then again more recently, that the technology enjoyed a renaissance. However, the major problem remains the same – those pesky glasses you have to wear. The next tech is likely to be Stereoscopic 3D TV. The prototype stage is already impressive, as you will learn from the video, and it will presumably be just a few short years before it becomes the norm in houses around the Western World. |
All in One Entertainment
It should not take long before the home television, computer, and telephone, are wall sized and fully interactive. The extra thin televisions that are already available, plus the major breakthroughs in flexible screens will see a converging of technologies at some stage in the not too distant future.
The 3D, 2D or Stereophonic options could be switched on or off, depending on the programme’s original recording. The scope for this technology is staggering. If a whole wall of a room could be turned into a screen that could be used as a communication device, you could virtually share a room with anyone in the world. |
You can imagine government education ministers sitting with calculators working out the savings of schooling children at home with one teacher, rather than thousands. Turning a classroom of one into a classroom of a million – all with one teacher!
It could happen.
It could happen.
Google Glass, and then...
According to the tech giants, their much anticipated Google Glass launch will be in early 2014 (although missing the Christmas sales is an odd decision).
However, as a soft launch allowed the public to learn what they needed to know a year earlier than that time, it is unsurprising that rivals and other tech companies have raced around to find their alternative on this particular path, as you can see from the Nokia video. This technology will obviously develop further over the coming years, and it could well replace telephones as we know them fairly soon. After that time, it will not be until the introduction of Nano-Technology that the next major steps forward will be taken. |
So they should all have a good run at making money from the emerging technology – just as they have with mobile phones over the past two decades.
When the great day that Nano-Tech does get involved, we are likely to see advancements on the existing tech to include contact lenses that can receive television and computer games. While you would imagine the need for a keyboard, watching the relationship with the eye and the tech in the Nokia video, you can already imagine that being taken care of fairly quickly.
When the great day that Nano-Tech does get involved, we are likely to see advancements on the existing tech to include contact lenses that can receive television and computer games. While you would imagine the need for a keyboard, watching the relationship with the eye and the tech in the Nokia video, you can already imagine that being taken care of fairly quickly.
Now this... Is what you call entertainment!
Picture this – a few lab coated science folk cavorting in a meadow, singing and shouting and getting drunk on cider...
Well, this is what they have just come up with... Nanobots are now so small they can communicate with the brain to create a simulated Matrix style real world reality. As the brain has long since been mapped and the mysteries unravelled a couple of decades ago, we are now able to re-live past memories. Imagination can become reality. The advancement of robotic technology has already seen almost everyone over the age of 140 with at least a couple of bionic parts, humans have become part machine anyway, so downloading memories and intelligence into super-computers is seen as a logical next step. |
It isn’t cheap, but cloned versions of yourself are now available for selection, so that you can transfer your memories and intelligence to a whole new you.
Of course, this is the stuff of science fiction isn’t it?
Well, actually, no. If you have a look at the video you can get all the detail you need on what almost all futurists expect to be coming our way this century.
You can imagine religious folk not being best happy with these predictions.
Of course, this is the stuff of science fiction isn’t it?
Well, actually, no. If you have a look at the video you can get all the detail you need on what almost all futurists expect to be coming our way this century.
You can imagine religious folk not being best happy with these predictions.
Removing Predictions and Future Science
Future Science predictions are often fairly linear. Technologies are taken and supposition of advancements blends with other technologies and hey presto, Futurologists make bundles of money exciting us about potential futures.
However, current and existing technologies are just as interesting, because while this video features a vision of 2020 it all relates to technology that already exists - Sadly it will probably take until then for the required investment to take us to this future. |
A Final Word. For Now
While all of that sounds exciting, the future of entertainment relies on the companies that provide us with it.
The likes of Samsung, Sony, Google and Apple, will not jump from one technology to another too quickly. The public will be slowly drip-fed products and new technologies in order – this is why it is great news (for non-stock holders), that Apple have been coming under fire for a lack of invention in the past year or so.
To maintain their market leader status they may have to venture into the restricted lab areas, pass the umpteen security doors, tap in the secret code and collect that secret technology they were hoping to release into the public domain, earlier than they had anticipated.
We wait with baited breath.
The likes of Samsung, Sony, Google and Apple, will not jump from one technology to another too quickly. The public will be slowly drip-fed products and new technologies in order – this is why it is great news (for non-stock holders), that Apple have been coming under fire for a lack of invention in the past year or so.
To maintain their market leader status they may have to venture into the restricted lab areas, pass the umpteen security doors, tap in the secret code and collect that secret technology they were hoping to release into the public domain, earlier than they had anticipated.
We wait with baited breath.