From Russia With Love Gadgets
Flame Thrower
Shortly after this, Rosa Klebb’s tour of the SPECTRE training camp reveals a flame-thrower before she turns her knuckle dusters on Grant.
Flame Throwers were used during trench warfare during World War I, but of course the safety of the forces was not a main consideration during that particular conflict. It was a highly visible weapon, cumbersome to carry around, and the odd stray bullet and kaboom.
A modified version was used the the Second World War, but mainly as an addition to tank weaponry.
You know it’s all about something you shouldn’t really get involved in, when the opening to a website starts like this...
“DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for ACADEMIC USE ONLY! Do NOT attempt to actually build a home-made flame thrower. Extreme injury or death can occur. The author(s) of this manual accept NO responsibility for any injury or damages to people, animals, or property. In some states, building, owning, or using a flame thrower can put you in jail for a long time! You have been advised...”
This is the introduction to:
Flame Throwers are apparently legal in much of the USA. They are completely illegal in the UK, under section five of the Firearms Act.
Flame Throwers were used during trench warfare during World War I, but of course the safety of the forces was not a main consideration during that particular conflict. It was a highly visible weapon, cumbersome to carry around, and the odd stray bullet and kaboom.
A modified version was used the the Second World War, but mainly as an addition to tank weaponry.
You know it’s all about something you shouldn’t really get involved in, when the opening to a website starts like this...
“DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is for ACADEMIC USE ONLY! Do NOT attempt to actually build a home-made flame thrower. Extreme injury or death can occur. The author(s) of this manual accept NO responsibility for any injury or damages to people, animals, or property. In some states, building, owning, or using a flame thrower can put you in jail for a long time! You have been advised...”
This is the introduction to:
Flame Throwers are apparently legal in much of the USA. They are completely illegal in the UK, under section five of the Firearms Act.
Domestic Thrower KitsOriginally designed for use with Hot Rods, car Flame Thrower kits will burst twenty foot flames from the exhaust of any car. The device operates from a spark plug and is easily installed.
An alternative is the organic answer to garden weed control The flame gun rises to temperatures of 2,000 degrees and destroys weeds at their base to prevent the weed's sap rising. Click on the image if you would like to know more...
Photo: From Russia With Love 1963 Danjaq, LLC, & United Artists Corporation. All rights reserved